Thursday, January 5, 2012

BP #2 - Taking advantage of someone

Oumou Bah


•    Many people think that doctors and researchers took advantage of Henrietta Lacks by using her cells and giving her (or her family) no compensation for them.  What do you think?
     This book “The Immortal life of Henriette lacks” by Rebecca skloot is about a married black women with 4 children who ages 31 year old, die by cancer. This women struggled through out life with a cancer that where diagnose by doctor, and been researched as a toema. at that time of period many women like HeLa had face these kind of life condition including colored people. according to HeLa she was getting her treatment in a free big public hospital that allowed colored people to get treatments; this  hospital was called Johns Hopkins. however the doctors in Johns hopkins where able to use patients to do researcher on anything because it was free. Many of them where taking cells from these patients for research. therefor all of those cells they researched wasn't immortal except one. which they discovered it was heLa’s cells. this was really important to those researches and most importantly to the people, because her cells helped many people for medicals and much more. however it was a chuck because doctors did mentioned her cells were immortal. this gave me a fact that these doctors took an advantage of HeLa,because they used her, and didn't bather to give them a compensation. i totally deem that these doctors did something that weren't on the bright side, because while they got what they wanted they turned a blind eye to her but also her family. so knowing that this happened i clash with these doctors.
     knowing that HeLa die in this condition, it would really make her family unhappy for some reason. I think her family feels abounded from the doctrs because they took an advantage of HeLa and dumped her and did bather to give her family any reward. in somehow they feel glade that Hela’s cells did a lot to help people and the world.
•  Can you think of a time when someone else took advantage of you?  How did you feel in that situation?  Describe the situation, including:
     in 2006 there were a party that were coming up on New Year Eve. i was really excited because all of my friend were attending to that event, so i had to find away to go to that party because it was a big shutout party that everyone was invited. but i was worried that my mother would let m go; because she always say she would never let a daughter of her party at night. So this was a big deal because i really had to attend to that event. so at that moment i had an idea, which were to ask my mother if i could have a sleep over at my cousins house. eventually she said “yes”. i was really happy but at the same time worried because i didn't want her to find out  was going out at night. so later that night i called my cousin Fatou  to tell her that ill be going to her house tomorrow for a sleep over; she agreed along. The next  day at 12pm i took the 35 bus and on my way to her house. so when i got there she was really surprised because i usually don't go there a lot. four  hours later after telling her about the party  i started getting ready to go to the party. finally when i went to the party i have fun and joy. the next morning i was in a good mood, but the look on my cousin wasn't good at all. so i came to her and said “whats wrong Fatou,” I'm not in the mood to talk right now. so i begged her to talk to me, so she answer “I'm mad because it seems like you took advantage of me, you used me to go to the party with out even inviting me”. right at that moment i knew what i did was wrong and i regret. so i said “sorry” because i really felt bad. so eventually she understood where i was coming from, and i didn't mean what i did. so after all i learned my lesson.


  1. I like your post it is a very intresting story and i think you both of them taking advantages for each other. I have one question why your mom didnt prefer for you to go overthere where you want to go?

  2. My mother didn't want me to go out at night because she don't want nothing to happen to me. She believes that its dangerous for a young girl going out at night.
