Sunday, January 22, 2012

BG#5 Soda Tax

According to this article “Soda Taxes Might Save 2,600 Lives a Year, But Certainly Make Cents” by Joe Satran, anticipated that many children and adults are suffering from obesity because of over consumption on Soda. Researchers estimated that if they add tax on soda it would avert Thousands, death, heart attacks, and also new cases of diabetes for the sake of public health. However, residence classes with the idea of a soda tax. These people believe that soda taxes are regressive, hurting poor people more than they hurt the rich. Consequently, the States should enhance tax on soda to prevent obesity.
                Nowadays, many children and grownups are roughcast about health issues. People are getting illnesses and problems because they are not eating in a better way. Somehow scientists claim that the causes of these health issues are the basic assumptions about the eating and drinking behavior of Americans and then, using a time tested computer model of American nutrition and health: Such as Soda. Soda is one of the unhealthy it drinks that is causing people to have high blood pressure, and diabetes because of the use of sugar, and calories. Therefore, this is playing a big important role in our health life stayer.
Therefore, to reduce this consumption study estimated that if they add Tax on soda drinks it would help defy these odds. This means it will help Americans, from getting over weight, Hurt disease, and much more. However, scientist claims that if they add Tax on soda it will lower this desolation by 15 percent among adults from age 25 to 64; which will make them swish to calorie-free drinks like water and diet soda. Furthermore, if the government gets those tax soda they could use it to help poor resident in the United States, help educate children, support gardens in urban communities, but also help buy military materials for the war. So adding tax to soda could help us in many ways.
In short, knowing that soda is playing a big important role in our health life, it is important to know how to deal with it. Some deem that the only way to help deflate illness and obesity in our dally life is to add tax on soda drinks. That way it will animate them to eat healthy and grow healthy because at the end of the day it’s for our own benefit.


  1. It is a nice essay with many important information but I am totally confused about the type of essay you wrote. Its making me confused for the following points:

    1. You started your essay with a information from a news paper article. If you star like that then: where is a general statements as a requirements of a argumentative or narrative essay?

    2. After talking with you personally about your essay, I confirmed that you wrote an argumentative essay, but my question is: where is your opinion as a thesis statement that comes before to the body paragraphs?

    3. In your body paragraphs, I am not clear about supporting details. Could you please tell me: how you support the scientist's claims with your own details.

    However, I feel you are clear about the idea and you have a good details to support.

    1. first of all, my theses is "Consequently, the States should enhance tax on soda to prevent obesity."
      Therefor, my body paragraph, says my opinions, which say if government impose tax on soda it will help lower consumption, and also government could use the money to help people get health care.

  2. Hi i read you post you use a good vocabulary but somewhere you use on wrong waves. Anyway i like your topic obesity it a really serious issue in this world not just USA. Every country has a bad impact on obesity. It is true if government take soda taxes they can increase some money and spending that money many different waves.

  3. Where do you think i used a wrong vocabulary?

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